Photo Hunt HD iOS


Serendipitously, my first iPad game and it's Photo Hunt! I'm getting quite good at making photo hunt, I've worked on six different versions of the game for various platforms in the last five years. This version of Photo Hunt follows the same gameplay of previous versions. Find the five differences before time runs out. However, developing the game for iOS using Unity was quite a challenge and a reward when I was done. Developing downloadable content has to be one of the most fun pieces of code I've ever written. The game evolved through several iterations on how the content was delivered, so it was a good experience for me to be able to have my UI and photo loading logic be generic so that we could find the best solution for delivering the photos to the device. In the end, filesize for the packs (200 500x600 .png) was just too large and slow to deliver over the web so instead we went with an embedded approach. For a short time, the game had been doing well on the App Store but unfortunately it is no longer available.


Photo Hunt Grimm


Photo Hunt Grimm is a re-skin of  Photo Hunt HD iOS. We licensed comic book content from Zeniscope and developed a version of the game that used their art assets. The majority of the work was rebuilding the store back-end to use different content than the original Photo Hunt HD game. It was a lot of fun to get to skin a game and to get to show it off to the comic creators. You can download it here however it has not been optimized for iPhone 5 or iPad 2.

Photo Hunt HD & Photo Hunt HD iOS


Photo Hunt HD is one of the flagship games that AMI Entertainment has in its lineup of games. My task was to build the game in a brand new engine while keeping every single gameplay feature from the original Photo Hunt. A difficult part of creating this game was an encryption process for the Windows platform. We had to come up with a way to keep the pictures and the data safe. It was a fun task doing it and I learned a lot. Also this was my first encounter with feature creep. 2 weeks before the game was to ship, unknown to myself or the games spec, there was an additional mode that the game had which I had not planned on when I planed out the code. I had to basically insert a whole new game into an existing one. It was a very good experience for me though because I learned not to box myself in when coding and to be prepared for things like this in the future. This game was made for windows, ported to the Megatouch platform, then remade for the iPhone.